550 South Reading Rd. • Ephrata, PA 17522 • 717.738.9291 • Fax 717.721.3003
Library Hours:
Monday-Thursday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m. • Saturday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.
Passport Office Hours:
Mon.-Thu. 9 a.m.-7 p.m. • Fri. 9 a.m.-5 p.m. • Sat. 9 a.m.-4 p.m.
Please note due to application processing time, we may need to stop accepting applicants 1 hour before the Passport Office closes.

Government Services Office
The Ephrata Public Library's Government Service Office is currently open for walk-in customers. Appointments are not available.
Hours: Mon. - Thu., 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Please note due to application processing time, we may need to stop accepting applicants 1 hour before the Passport Office closes.
Checks or money orders are required for payment to the U.S. Department of State. Credit cards are accepted for execution fees and photos.
The Ephrata Public Library is no longer an Identogo agency or Post Office.
Important Links
Passport Processing
First time applicants:
Bring the following items to the office:
Passport Application
Pick them up at Ephrata Public Library or click here to fill out, and print the form online.
Complete the form by filling in all the required information. Write legibly using black ink. No mistakes or corrections can be made. If a mistake is made, use a new form. Do not use white out or any other product that covers portions of your application. Do not sign the application.
Proof of Citizenship
Birth Certificate – This must be the original, state-issued document. It should say “Birth Certificate” or “Certification of Birth” and be issued from the “Department of Vital Statistics.” Your birth certificate must list at least one parent name. Your birth certificate will be sent with the passport application and returned in a separate mailing.
Naturalization Certificate – This must be the original document with a raised seal. This will be sent with the passport application and returned in a separate mailing.
Previously valid U.S. Passport that is not eligible for renewal by mail. This will be sent with the passport application and returned in a separate mailing.
Children who had a passport issued when they were under 16 years old:
Evidence of child's U.S. citizenship
Previously valid U.S. Passport that is not eligible for renewal by mail. This will be sent with the passport application and returned in a separate mailing.
Evidence of child's (under 16) relationship to parents/guardian.
Birth Certificate including parent(s)' names.
Adoption decree including adopting parents(s)' names.
Court order establishing sole custody.
Court order establishing guardianship and authority to apply for passport.
Valid Photo Identification with Signature
Your driver’s license is the best choice. If you are from out of state you must have a second form of identification. Picture ID is preferred, and the more information on your identification, the better.
Passport Photos
1 passport photo with very specific specifications must be submitted. (Please refer to U.S. Department of State Website.) You can get your passport photo taken at Ephrata Public Library for just $15 per person.
The Ephrata Public Library accepts personal checks for passport applications.
When paying by check, two checks are necessary: one to the U.S. Department of State and one to the Ephrata Public Library.
The fees are as follows for passport books. (Amounts will vary depending on your situation, so please wait until we process your application)
Adults (16 and over):
$130 Passport Fee payable to U.S. Department of State. To expedite, additional fees apply. Expedite and Express Mail fees are subject to change.
$35 Facility Fee payable to Ephrata Public Library
$15 for each set of photos payable to Ephrata Public Library
Children (15 and under)
$100 Passport Fee payable to U.S. Department of State. To expedite, additional fees apply. Expedite and Express Mail fees are subject to change.
$35 Facility Fee payable to Ephrata Public Library
$15 for each set of photos payable to Ephrata Public Library
The fees for passport cards are as follows: (Amounts will vary depending on your situation, so please wait until we process your application.)
Adults (16 and over):
$30 Passport Fee payable to U.S. Department of State
$35 Facility Fee payable to Ephrata Public Library
$15 for each set of photo payable to Ephrata Public Library
Children (15 and under)
$15 Passport Fee payable to U.S. Department of State
$35 Facility Fee payable to Ephrata Public Library
$15 for each set of photos payable to Ephrata Public Library